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The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...

kert, tál, etetőszék

kert, tál, etetőszék

The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...



The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...

szent donát

szent donát

The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...

kövessetek engem ...

kövessetek engem ...

The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...

puszta ez a hely ...

puszta ez a hely ...

The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...



The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand ...



The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand



The idea of creating a section entirely dedicated to contemporary art, within the exhibition itinerary of the museum, dates back to 1964, when Pope Paul VI, elected shortly beforehand

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